AJB DESIGN & BUILD offer an efficient and effective planning service
When carrying out building work it can be very confusing deciding if you need planning permission before you begin. If planning permission is required it can be easy to get frustrated by the various national, local and town planning policies that outline what you may and may not do.
Developing a property in a significant way will usually require planning permission to be granted before work on site can commence. The site location and the size of development that you are considering will significantly change how detailed the planning application will need to be.
A major part of our work is providing applications regarding development on designated land (National Parks and the Broads, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, conservation areas and World Heritage Sites). Successful planning applications with in the Shropshire Hills AONB and on Grade II listed buildings reinforce our growing experience within this field of expertise allowing us to offer a very robust planning service, from initial on-site consultation through to submission of a detailed planning application. The more detailed applications will include Design & Access statements, environmental impact assessments and detailed drawings.
We will always endeavour to carryout an initial viability assessment of the proposed development to ensure that we feel the outcome of any applications will be positive.
If you would like AJB Design & Build to offer any advice on your proposed development please get in touch. Details are given at the bottom of this page.
Permitted Development
The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development)(England) Order 2015 allows for various types and scales of development to go ahead without requiring local authority consent.
Current legislation covers extensions and renovations to existing dwellings, construction and conversion of outbuildings, change of use, and much more. There are restrictions on size, type and location of the proposed development, which determine if planning consent is required, so it is always worth checking prior to commencing any work.
AJB Design & Build are happy to advise as to whether or not a proposed development requires consent from the local authority.
If you would like to discuss a particular project in further detail then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us either on 01743 884 885 or follow this Contact Us link to fill out a contact form, and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.